Medal of Honor Allied Assault

Medal of Honor Allied Assault

S9 | Objective Realism

Started: 1 Oct 2024 | Closed: 3 Jan 2025

Active players: 126 | Matches played: 476

Rank Player Matches Won Win % Current Win Streak Rating
101 Jordan Mosaab 4 1 25 % - 851
102 Hungary Nandor 26 8 31 % - 848
103 Portugal bATMUMA 23 7 30 % - 847
104 Poland Drejk 28 7 25 % + 1 845
105 Poland Hanysiok 18 4 22 % + 1 835
106 Palestinian Territory ob1daxx- 18 6 33 % - 829
107 Poland !klopek- 6 1 17 % + 1 828
108 Zimbabwe Aim4N 96 35 36 % - 822
109 Hungary bcKm- (.") 13 3 23 % - 818
110 Palestinian Territory khan 115 32 28 % - 817
111 Belgium r a w 93 42 45 % - 809
112 Netherlands Z!ppO 10 4 40 % + 1 801
113 Poland RSK 22 5 23 % + 1 767
114 Italy Jerry^ 41 20 49 % - 765
115 Hungary BUNY1E 19 4 21 % - 731
116 Poland xel^! 17 5 29 % - 729
117 Slovakia Major 9 2 22 % + 1 728
118 Netherlands jojo^ 19 6 32 % + 1 715
119 Poland Mosiu 7 0 0 % - 706
120 Pakistan •☆Z҉O̵̒͠O҉*.¸ 141 55 39 % - 685
121 Bhutan ^Cronic 35 13 37 % + 1 653
122 Hungary szpariii 84 30 36 % - 634
123 Portugal striker- 43 15 35 % - 629
124 Poland Bl!zzard 25 5 20 % - 625
125 Egypt Maggy -3azra 107 41 38 % - 507
126 Belgium Gazzmaskk 43 18 42 % - 501