Medal of Honor Allied Assault

Medal of Honor Allied Assault

Objective Realism

Started: 23 Dec 2020

Active teams: 13 | Matches played: 7

Rank Team Matches Won Win % Current Win Streak Rating
1 Netherlands -move Quickly!- 3 3 100 % + 3 1152
2 Europe The pers0wnages Clan 1 1 100 % + 1 1060
3 Poland The Brawlers 2 1 50 % - 1050
4 Poland =|sfora|= 1 0 0 % - 1010
5 Europe Triple Z Clan 1 0 0 % - 1000
6 Europe Sensation! 1 0 0 % - 1000
7 France #WarSpirit~ 0 0 0 % - 1000
8 Poland eXtreme Poland 0 0 0 % - 1000
9 Poland nameless 1 0 0 % - 958
10 Europe digital Mind 1 0 0 % - 950
11 Portugal name evolution 1 0 0 % - 940
12 France The Knights 1 0 0 % - 940
13 Germany EuroTruckerz 1 0 0 % - 940